Have you washed your hands lately?
Saturday, December 04, 2004
My new hero:

Yarr... do I look tough, or what?
Scott LoBaido, a New York artist, found out that some
crappy old art place was showing a piece entitled The Holy Virgin Mary, didn't like the use of pornographic images and elephant dung in the piece, and proceeded to
fling horse manure at the museum's facade.
Way to stand up for what you believe in! Some assholes slander one of the icons of your faith, let 'em know what you think! Don't take that sitting down! It's totally lame that some gallery curators
refused to put up your art just because of your politics. Those are probably the same flower-growing left-winging turkeys who put up that Virgin Mary crap to begin with.
You didn't like it when they defamed an icon that you believed in, so you threw a temper tantrum; but somehow you expect people to not behave the same way with your art? At least when gallery owners refused to show your work, you didn't end up covered in paint. Or feces. You even said it yourself: "I'm very patriotic and I use my artwork as a soapbox." If you can use yours as a soapbox, why can't they?
And really, Scott. Go the extra mile. It was elephant dung on the Virgin Mary; you were caught with horse manure under your fingernails. Be precise, man, you knew the arrest report was going to make that stuff public.
Either everybody has freedom in art to express themselves, or nobody does. If you can't take it when other people produce art that you don't agree with, then
your crap doesn't deserve my respect.
But you are consistent- the
inspirational words of your Agenda echo the same hollow rhetoric a typical politician's speech does.
Solid resume of
billboards, too. And building facades. Good idea, getting yourself in the news for stumping the Republican ticket. Changing the world, one
flower bed at a time.

All that trouble and you still spell his name wrong.
What pisses me off is that these are the guys who've taken things like loving the country, being proud of the United States and "being a Patriot" and turned them into these self-righteous, pedestal-climbing screw-you symbols.
Now when I put an American Flag sticker on my car because I love this country, people think that I hate gays, blindly support authority (so long as it KICKS ASS!) and don't give a crap about the rest of the world. People can always think whatever they want, but when they steal my symbol and pervert it to represent any form of intolerance, it makes me want to drown puppies. French puppies. French anti-war frisbee-throwing hippie puppies.
And incidentally, the reason we don't
execute in 14 days is because of things like
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